Why body language is important

Why is body language important?

Your body language is a massive part of your interview and can be the deciding factor between whether are offered a position or not.

According to human communication expert Albert Mehrabian, body language accounts for 55% of communication, with a further 38% dictated by volume and tone. A staggering 7% of what we communicate actually consists of the content of what we say.

While they say not to judge a book by its cover, psychological science research states that when we see a new face an impression can be made in as little as 1/10th of a second!

This is why it’s so crucial to make a good first impression before the interview questions start by following these great interview tips.

The do’s

What are you wearing? No matter what position you are applying for your clothing should be neat, clean and pressed. Dress in a manner appropriate to the position and if in doubt be conservative with your clothing. Your appearance overall from head to toe should be neat and clean.

Start off with your handshake. This is the first impression you make and also the only time you will have physical contact with your interviewer. Make sure the shake is firm and controlled and sets the interview off on the right foot.

If you naturally talk with your hands, then let them free. Showing enthusiasm as you’re speaking shows the interviewer how passionate you are.

Sit up straight. Slouching or tipping in your chair makes you look uninterested. If you have a choice, deliberately pick a straight back chair for the interview so you aren’t able to slouch.

The don’ts

Try not to fidget. If you know you have a nervous habit such as shaking your knee or playing with a pen try and be pre-emptive and stop these before they happen. Fidgeting can come across as nerves to the interviewer and can be distracting.

Staring. Nobody likes being stared at although it is important to make eye contact with whoever you are answering (as this could be more than one person in a panel interview). Non-eye contact can create a sense of uneasiness and can make you appear less trustworthy. Work out a fine balance between the two.

Being overconfident is sometimes worse than not being confident. It’s important to sell yourself and highlight relevant successes from previous roles you’ve held, but it’s important to strike a balance in an interview as behaving as if you have secured the job already doesn’t come across well.

Why is body language important?

Now you have all the interview tips it’s time to secure that job. Follow these do’s and don’ts and your next interview will be a breeze.