When it comes to job-hunting, your CV is the first chance you get to make a good impression on any potential employer.

It’s important to be concise and accurate, as a top-quality CV will considerably boost your chance of getting your dream job. Get it right and you’ll have an interview in no time, get it wrong and you may face rejection.

Time to update your CV

Every CV is different, so it’s worth spending time and effort on what you put into it and how you present it. You need to make sure you highlight your skills, expertise and how you can add value to the company you’re applying to work for.

Make sure the information is accurate

Most importantly you need to make sure that the information you provide in your CV is accurate and up to date. Check it carefully and don’t try to include false or exaggerated details – you will be found out!

How long should my CV be?

Your CV should generally be no longer than two pages of A4 – prospective employers don’t want to read through lengthy information to find out about you. Keep it brief but tailor it to the job you’re applying for. Remember, this is your personal marketing tool – use it to sell yourself to employers. An employer will want to see the following information on your CV:

  • Contact details
  • Personal statement
  • Experience/Employment History
  • Education
  • Achievements
  • Hobbies and interests
  • References

Employment history

Your employment history should go back no further than ten years but you could make an exception if you’ve worked for a company for a very long time. If you have employment gaps, don’t worry – just explain the reason for the gap. If you have a legitimate reason, an employer will not hold this against you.

Some common mistakes candidates make on their CV

  • Spelling and grammar
  • Length not right and poor employment history
  • Not including transferrable skills/accomplishments
  • Not tailored to the job being applied for
  • Poor layout

Ten steps to a successful CV

  1. Keep it real!
  2. Tailor it
  3. Include a personal statement
  4. Don’t leave gaps
  5. Keep it current
  6. Include contact information
  7. Don’t exaggerate
  8. Make sure the information is accurate
  9. Make it look good
  10. Make it keyword friendly (especially useful when you put your CV online)

If you’re struggling with your CV, our consultants can help. Get in touch with one of the team. And don’t forget, you can find details of all the jobs we have available here.